I opted out of being on the farm as the llamas left, a decision that I feel was the best for both myself and the llamas.
Magnet and Carneros didn't have to walk down the road to the trailer - they got to ride in the van. Magnet being the most comfortable in riding in vehicles jumped right in. Carneros apparently took his time. Alina and Harmony were walked down the hill. Alina did very well on the lead which was unusual for her but a good sign for her new owner.
The four are doing well at their new home - they will remain together for a while as any smart llama owner would do to keep all their llamas safe, healthy, and happy.
Although our llamas were friendly with us they were not over attached in an unfriendly manor. It is most important for them to have each other in this transition - but they are about to make many new llama friends and I have a very good feeling about their new owner. Of course if I didn't they would still be here munching on hay and eating the snow off the fences.
It will be interesting to see what we do with all this land. I'm think blueberries - lots and lots of blueberries.
Thanks so much for all your love and support during this transition!
The llamaless Llamafarmgirl
Thanks Jenny!
Hey Girl!!
Everyone has settled in very nicely! (as you already know)
They all offer such a dynamic personality to my current herd....LOVE IT!
Since arrival at HespeGarden, I've been sharing pix with ya all which will continue until you say so.
As your herd is in superior health, I have actually broken my own intake SOP's. Some thanks to Alina...I might add.
Upon arrival, she was very interested in meeting her new herd, long story short, she jumped the quarantine paddock fencing twice. I even installed a screen but, she was very persistent.
After fecal eval determined no 'bad stuff', I opted to introduce everyone....
It was a bit weird....like they had been a part of this herd for a very long time! ...your four strolled out, began eating hay, some laid down, while others explored. Everyone mingled.... very nice, very nice! There was a little sniffing of introduction but....to my suprise...VERY LITTLE.
I am also happy to say that Harmony has struck up quite the relationship/bond with my goat (Emma). I don't see one without the other....it reminds me of that song....'Just me & my shadow...strolling down the ave"
You are welcome to visit ANYTIME...totally an open invitation to see them and what I am attempting to accomplish at the Ranch.
Love ya, keep warm and stay safe!
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