Since I've been dellamafarmgirling - this blog is attached to llamafarmgirl although I changed the name. So I've decided to close it (let's face it - it was pathetic) and am starting a new - at Come check it out. It always will be somewhat updated with my twitter roll. It is amazing how much I used llamafarmgirl. And how many things you can't just change.
Cleaning up fencing
Well, it has been a year since Bailey's injury and a few months since the remaining llamas have gone off to their new wonderful home. LFB and I spent some time this weekend wrapping up the electric fencing that we are no longer going to need. Curious to see if I'm able to have a garden at all with the llama barrier gone and oh so many deer in the area this year.
I don't plan to plant anything new this summer but to rethink the entire garden plan. If only I could convince LFB to move the greenhouse... Maybe with time he will break down.
What are your favorite plants that the deer don't eat?
Happy Spring,
Garden of Hesperides
To follow more on what has happened to our llama family - you can follow them at their new home complete with blog and all
Here is a good one for starters - it features Alina and the llama formerly known as Magnet. Just another day or you can see Harmony 2 (Apparently Harmony is a popular llama name) and Alina in this one Bananas are a hit
This is likely my last post to this blog - but please do continue to follow our friends! Life in a bigger herd is bound to be more eventful!
Thanks for all your love and support as we make this life change.
Here is a good one for starters - it features Alina and the llama formerly known as Magnet. Just another day or you can see Harmony 2 (Apparently Harmony is a popular llama name) and Alina in this one Bananas are a hit
This is likely my last post to this blog - but please do continue to follow our friends! Life in a bigger herd is bound to be more eventful!
Thanks for all your love and support as we make this life change.
llamas are happy at new home

I opted out of being on the farm as the llamas left, a decision that I feel was the best for both myself and the llamas.
Magnet and Carneros didn't have to walk down the road to the trailer - they got to ride in the van. Magnet being the most comfortable in riding in vehicles jumped right in. Carneros apparently took his time. Alina and Harmony were walked down the hill. Alina did very well on the lead which was unusual for her but a good sign for her new owner.
The four are doing well at their new home - they will remain together for a while as any smart llama owner would do to keep all their llamas safe, healthy, and happy.
Although our llamas were friendly with us they were not over attached in an unfriendly manor. It is most important for them to have each other in this transition - but they are about to make many new llama friends and I have a very good feeling about their new owner. Of course if I didn't they would still be here munching on hay and eating the snow off the fences.
It will be interesting to see what we do with all this land. I'm think blueberries - lots and lots of blueberries.
Thanks so much for all your love and support during this transition!
The llamaless Llamafarmgirl
Tomorrow the llamas start a new adventure
Tomorrow Harmony, Magnet, Carneros, and Alina start a new adventure. The four lovely creatures will meet their new owner and go for a lovely trailer to the trailer which shall take them to where their new adventure shall begin.
I'm sure Magnet will fast become her favorite all time ever llama. It is hard not to play favorites with him around. With his bouncy tail, his long eyebrows, his beautiful main, and his soulful eyes. The others will charm her too, but Magnet dear Magnet shall win her heart.
Farewell my beloved animals as we start the next adventure in our lives as well.
I'm sure Magnet will fast become her favorite all time ever llama. It is hard not to play favorites with him around. With his bouncy tail, his long eyebrows, his beautiful main, and his soulful eyes. The others will charm her too, but Magnet dear Magnet shall win her heart.
Farewell my beloved animals as we start the next adventure in our lives as well.
Free Llamas
Two to Four curious llamas looking for a good home within a few hours of southeastern Vermont.
If you are looking for two llamas we are looking to place our girls - not fixed but not suitable for breeding.
Harmony is our only sho
rt haired llama and is 15 years old. Good on a lead.

Alina is 5 and needs pasture clean of non llama friendly vegetation. She is very curious not experienced on a lead as she seldom leaves my side when I'm with her.
If you are looking for four then our gelded boys would be included.
Magnet is 16 and is the sweetest llama you ever want to meet. Excellent on lead, but a lead is barely necessary even when shearing. Excellent with children - our favorite llama by far.

Carneros is 8 and likes to back into most situations. Loves to snort (none are spitters) on new visitors and is very handsome and has lovely fiber.
We need to be on the road more so we can no longer keep them. If all 4 are desired we have some fencing and equipment to send off with them.
If you live in a 3 hour radius from Southeastern Vermont and think you might be a good home for our wonderful llamas please contact us!
If you are looking for two llamas we are looking to place our girls - not fixed but not suitable for breeding.
Harmony is our only sho

Alina is 5 and needs pasture clean of non llama friendly vegetation. She is very curious not experienced on a lead as she seldom leaves my side when I'm with her.

Magnet is 16 and is the sweetest llama you ever want to meet. Excellent on lead, but a lead is barely necessary even when shearing. Excellent with children - our favorite llama by far.

Carneros is 8 and likes to back into most situations. Loves to snort (none are spitters) on new visitors and is very handsome and has lovely fiber.
We need to be on the road more so we can no longer keep them. If all 4 are desired we have some fencing and equipment to send off with them.
If you live in a 3 hour radius from Southeastern Vermont and think you might be a good home for our wonderful llamas please contact us!
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